Sunday 29 July 2007

God bless...

I was going in the train back home from functional meeting in Kyiv and reflecting. I was thinking how much AIESEC changed me during the last three years and how much this organization impacted me. And suddenly I had a grand feeling of gratitude to the people who started our organization and gave all of us opportunity to change the world thruogh changing ourselves and I thought: "God, bless the founders of AIESEC!"
"But what the founders had created was completely different organization form what we have now" - I kept thinking. So, probably it would be more correct to say: "God, bless the people who created the concept of Change Agent, AIESEC XP and all the other brilliant things we're using now!"
And then another thought came to me - the people who created @XP, etc. were the same young people as all we are. They were also smart, creative, innovative, etc. and due to their brilliant minds and devotion to AIESEC they were capable to create such great things.
But everyone of us gives so much time, effort and passion to AIESEC! We work so much to make our organization better and better! It's WE who change the organization from day to day and it's WE who create AIESEC every day!
So, the most correct way to say would be: "God, bless ALL OF US, everyone who works now in AIESEC in Ukraine and in AIESEC aroung the world because WE do create this amazing organization!"

Saturday 21 July 2007

My new home...

You are really lucky if you can read this blog an our notes. It means you are a part of AIESEC in Ukraine which is one the first thing that I like in the world till now.

I really don't know why I feel like I am at my home! Actually I feel like I am at a 7 stars hotel...
I was reall pissed off with thee traficc jam f Istanbul, I was really fe ud with studying and working for AIESEC at the same time... Now I have no university!!! Viva Freedom!!!

I hope to feel like the same as I feel now during one year!!!

bye... :)

Wait for more...

The Turkish

Monday 16 July 2007

A story taken from Paulo Coelho's blog

The elephant and the rope

This is the procedure adopted by circus trainers to ensure that elephants never rebel - and I suspect that it is also what happens with a lot of people.
When still a baby, the elephant is tethered by a very thick rope to a stake firmly hammered into the ground. The elephant tries several times to get free, but it lacks the strength to do so.
After a year, the stake and the rope are still strong enough to keep a small elephant tethered, although it continues to try, unsuccessfully, to get free. At this point, the animal realises that the rope will always be too strong and so it gives up.
When it reaches adulthood, the elephant can still remember how, for a long time, it had wasted its energies trying to escape captivity. At this stage, the trainer can tether the elephant with a slender thread tied to a broom handle, and the elephant will make no attempt to escape to freedom.

P.S. This story reminds some situations from our life in AIESEC when we try to make some changes in our LC/country/etc., doesn't it?

Sunday 15 July 2007

Well, this is my first but for sure not not last post on this blog. Ther are few things that I want just to say from the begining of the term.
First of all, that 'm very proud of to be MCP of such great country as Ukraine.
I had face a looooooot of "things" during my @XP but, but I'm not regret about ANY moment that I have been here< I proud of my native LC, but the most important is that I'm proud of to have such friends as I have right now and I wish to every person to meat such f....g cool people.
Also I'm happy right now, I'm happy to be in such great TEAM as National Team 2007/2008, Genya, Boba, Erccan, Pivo, Olka, Khrustyna, Luba, Nika, Nastya, Katya, Larka,Ola, Khrustya, people that are ready to drive this country, ready to bring THE DIFFERENCE here!
Also some words about today. Somehow it is strange day, strange day coz it's reminded mine time when I was in LC, where everybody is ready to stand for every body,( Odin za vseh i vse za odnogo), I'm just love people that are around me, maybe those words are not very typical for my but actually it's TRUE.

Ready to face all challenges and stand for AIESEC in Ukraine

Thursday 5 July 2007

Tuesday 3 July 2007

Let's get it started!

..A new term has started - OUR term. A whole year lays ahead - a year of victories and failures, a year of successes and experiences, a year of mistakes and learning, a year of development and surely the Year of CHANGES!
Congratulations to everyone on this start! And... LET'S ROCK!!!!